Welcome to Zaptonia!

About me

Name: Zep Zapotex
Age: 19
Personality type: ENTJ, 3w4, 387, sx/sp, ILI, Choleric [Dominant]
Favorite color: Chartreuse
Favorite bands: Duran Duran, Manowar, The Offspring, My Chemical Romance
Favorite food: Mashed potatoes made with milk and butter, not water
Favorite video games: Starcraft, Hypnospace Outlaw, Submachine: Legacy

Hello there!

I am Zep Zapotex, the 2nd Emperor of Zaptonia. I will be making posts about my planet Zaptonia and my adventures from visiting the Earth.

I have a lot of hobbies including coding (I'm very new to that), playing videogames, watching random documentaries or Star Trek TNG with my dad at 3 am, writing (fictional) news articles or just headlines about things that happen in Zaptonia, cooking/baking, writing poems and playing musical instruments.

My main instrument is the violin and I have been playing it for almost 13 years now. I also play the piano, cello, classical and electric guitar, ukulele and percussion. I love singing too. Maybe I'll also make a youtube channel and upload videos of me playing songs and singing in the future but I don't really have a place that I can peacefully record anything so that's just a dream for now. Anyways, nice to meet you!

My dad also has a website on Neocities.

Here's my dad's website. Check it out!

You can follow me on Spotify or send me a friend request on Discord.

Zep Zapotex


You can also e-mail me at zepzapotex@gmail.com

This website is hosted by Neocities.

A photo of me

This was taken by a friend of mine. We were on an escalator and we decided to make a Zep version of the no b*tches meme.

The photo will be updated periodically.